The County Commissioners need to hear your story.
Our public hearing is set for this Tuesday (6/25) from 9:00 am – 10:00 am. The purpose of the public hearing is to formally hear from the public about the plan to create a Morgan County Parks and Recreation District. The Commissioners can approve or deny it. If they approve it – we will take it to the voters in November.
If you can attend:
- Wo Hoo! We want it to be packed with happy supporters who know recreation is a priority in Morgan County.
- Prepare your testimony. Type it out and bring 2 copies. Don’t forget to add your name and address. It shows the Commissioners that you are a resident of Morgan County.
- Practice your testimony. Your testimony needs to be 3 minutes or less. Type it up and time it. Practice in front of the mirror. Practice with your dog. Get comfortable with sharing your story.
- Arrive on time and sign up to testify. We’ll help you get the sign up sheet when you arrive.
- If you don’t want to speak. No worries. Just come with a smile and print out your testimony for the commissioners to read.
If you can’t attend:
- Email your testimony to info@morganstrong.org and we will present it to the commissioners on your behalf.
Tips on writing testimony: